
Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a HOA Site Cost?

See our pricing page for full details. Neighborhood websites start at just $99 to set up.

What are the fees for?

Basic Set-Up fees
These fees are for the creation of your site. Each site is custom created. We configure all the settings to reflect your site and we create your Sponsors page for you too.
Monthly License and Service Fee
These fees cover a license fee to use the 10 or so applications that make up the site, it covers the cost of hosting and also the technical and help desk support we provide to you.
Virtual Assistant Service
This Service aims to manage and coordinate the site on your behalf.

How long is the contract for?

Our contract is month to month unless our Clients ask us to agree to a longer term (typically 12 months) with them.

What is the difference between a Sponsored and HOA site?

There is no difference.

All sites allow a primary and additional sponsors to present them selves as site sponsors.

Can I get a price discount if I have multiple sites?

Yes - two or more sites will attract sizeable discounts on both Set up and Monthly fees.

Can I use my own domain name and URL?

Yes. We actually need you to buy your own domain name. We recommend www.bluefiredomains.com - where they are less than $10 per year.

Can I supply my own artwork for the sites header?

Yes. Once you have your account set up, you will find the instructions for doing this inside the Administration area.

You will be able to automatically upload your header graphic or use one of ours.

Can I team up with my colleague to jointly Sponsor a site?

Yes. We would have to discuss how to display sponsorship logos and messages. We have a number of sites with 2 or more sponsors. There would only be one Sponsors page, but we could design this to accommodate your needs.

Is each neighborhood sold exclusively?

Yes. We do not duplicate any areas.

How is a "neighborhood" defined?

We leave this entirely to you. For some it is a 50 unit apartment block. For others it will be a subdivision of 200-300 homes. In some cases we have clients who have chosen to provide a site to more than 1000 homes.

How big an area can I cover with a neighborhood site?

This is your decision. However, remember that you are the one who will be promoting it. We find many of our clients are very successful promoting our sites to neighborhoods of 100 to 400 homes.

How long does it take to get started?

Your site will be available within a day or so of your order.

How much work is involved to keep the site running?

After a month or so, we would expect most of our clients to be spending 2-4 hours per month.

However, in the early days, when you are promoting the site and bringing new people on board, we would expect you to spend around two hours each week maintaining the site and learning to use it.

Our Virtual Assistant Service can provide all this support if you require.

How do I make my site a success?

The first part of promotion is a successful pre-launch, followed by a full launch and on-going promotion. The pre-launch is a great opportunity to get the message out and to invite other residents to join the committee / team to run the site.

When your site is built, you can then launch it.

The real benefit of a HOA 24/7 PRIVATE site is that residents only have to visit the site ONCE, and they are registered. This means that regardless of whether they are just passive browsers who review the site every now and then, or active contributors, you have their email address and they will receive newsletters, and automated updates - ensuring your sponsorship gains maximum exposure and you receive a return on your investment.

We have created sample marketing plans and programs that will help you launch and promote your site with minimal effort.

Every client has access to our Marketing Library. This contains a sample Marketing / Launch Plan, and sample design and promotion ideas.

What happens once I place my order?

We get started right away - and we will send you a check list of things to do. We ask you to start collecting the information you want us to put in your site - mainly the information about you (text, logos, photos, links). We will be creating a draft site.

Our Project Managers will work with you to ensure we have the information we need.

Can I stop other Realtors or Mortgage professionals advertising on my site?

If you initially purchase the site and have editorial control then we can eliminate all conflicting categories in the Classified Ads and Yellow Pages.

How long has HOA 24/7 been around - and are you going to stay in business.

HOA 24/7 is a brand name of the Blue Fire Group Inc. We have been specializing in providing Neighborhood websites since 2002. We have no investors other than the founders of the company. We have no debts and our growth is built on profits.